Well we started our daytime Diverse group for adults with disabilities today and wow, what talented individuals we have. We always feel so honoured to be working with such members and we can tell this is going to be another thriving group.
Meanwhile, our Wednesday evening group is getting ready for their show a week on Saturday. It was looking great tonight and the costumes and set have come on in leaps and bounds. The show, 'Not the Wizard of Oz' but similar will be this groups 3rd show in a year and we're so proud of how far they've all come.
Meanwhile, our Wednesday evening group is getting ready for their show a week on Saturday. It was looking great tonight and the costumes and set have come on in leaps and bounds. The show, 'Not the Wizard of Oz' but similar will be this groups 3rd show in a year and we're so proud of how far they've all come.